Convenience Receptacle share Circuit?

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Seattle, WA
Can you share a circuit with a convenience receptacle? We need to add heat tracing to gutters near some HVAC units and I was wondering if we could daisy chain off the 120V receptacle. I assume it's not permitted by code?
Can you share a circuit with a convenience receptacle? We need to add heat tracing to gutters near some HVAC units and I was wondering if we could daisy chain off the 120V receptacle. I assume it's not permitted by code?
Is this for driving or snow melting?
This is for snow/ice melting on a roof. The roof is forming icicles that can possibly damage the HVAC units underneath so we are installing heat trace on the gutters.
Article 426 in the NEC covers Fixed Outdoor Electric Deicing And Snow Melting Equipment. 426.4 says that it shall be considered a continuous load. What is the total wattage going to be?
Article 426 in the NEC covers Fixed Outdoor Electric Deicing And Snow Melting Equipment. 426.4 says that it shall be considered a continuous load. What is the total wattage going to be?
There would be no normal load on the HVAC conv. receptacle.
It's fine to tap off that circuit unless it's on with something else that has a considerable load.
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