Convert VA to KW

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Senior Member
Louisville, KY
Master Electrician/Senior Fire Alarm Technician
I did a service calculation for a friend using Mike's Residential Calculation spreadsheet.

The power company came back and said the calc must be done on their sheet. They use KW for the connected loads. It's been a bunch of years since I did much in conversions.

If I have a 1,200 VA load for heat is that the same as 1.2 KW? Or do I need to take a power factor into consideration? If so, what factor?

It's for a residential, single phase 120/240 volt 200 amp service.

This is the sheet they want me to use:

I'm using this calc sheet from Mike:

Thanks for all the help you guys give me and everyone else.
1,200VA (or 1.2kVA) is equal to 1.2kW if a purely resistive load.

As long as your kVA calc's come out less than the 200A service, I'd transpose kVA to KW equally for all but motor loads?those I'd multiply by a generic power factor of .85.
Thanks guys. I just moved the decimal point 3 places to the left for all the loads and we we see how LG&E likes the calc.

The house had a 100 amp overhead service and my friend is switching it to a 200 amp under ground service. Nothing else is changing. He said this is the first time they have asked for a calc in the 35+ years he's been doing this.
Thanks guys. I just moved the decimal point 3 places to the left for all the loads and we we see how LG&E likes the calc.

The house had a 100 amp overhead service and my friend is switching it to a 200 amp under ground service. Nothing else is changing. He said this is the first time they have asked for a calc in the 35+ years he's been doing this.
They probably want to know more about what load is there so they can get by with smallest possible transformer or even smallest possible conductors.

Just because you install a 200 amp service doesn't mean it will be loaded to 200 amps. There are lots of 200 amp services supplied by only 15 or 25 kVA transformers and quite often is no problems - especially for dwellings.
I always give the power company KVA and include a load summary that identifies all the loads (motors, lighting, HVAC, motors, etc.) They usually apply their own power factors based on the load types.
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