Cool Pix

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Senior Member
Wandering aimlessly 'bout the 'net tonight. Stumbled across these little beauties:






(I'm sure there's some Photoshopping going on here, but still nice nonetheless.)
great pictures aimlessly,thanks for posting them.Ironic how the top picture reminds use of the C phase of 480,the second picture a 208 hi-leg.
scrooge said:
great pictures aimlessly,thanks for posting them.Ironic how the top picture reminds use of the C phase of 480,the second picture a 208 hi-leg.

"Ink Blots" for Electricians! I love it!

(Rorschach Tests, for those who are wondering the real name for them....)
480sparky said:
"Ink Blots" for Electricians! I love it!

(Rorschach Tests, for those who are wondering the real name for them....)

I've got a feelin' you liked to "make sparks" when you were a little guy. :D
Sound tripped shutter release with time exposures, and/or multiple shooting press the shutter and the camera takes pictures at 3-7 FPS till the memory is too full and slows the capture speed or the memory card is full.
Those are great pictures. I've always been fascinated with watching the array of lightning during thunderstorms.I especially enjoy the warm weather heat lightning as some call it,when you have the sky lighting up but don't get the rainfall. I've often bought those acts of nature calendars over the years.
Something to remember about photography; photographers that develop their own film and tray developed pictures have always been able to alter photos, filters, exposure time (in the field and in the lab), cropping, dodging, burning. Altering photos is nothing new, just a lot easier and available to the masses with less training.

This is part of their artistic expression of the scene they pictured in their mind when taking the picture or when reviewing the print later. A camera seldom captures the image as actually seen.

The point is enjoy the picture as it is.


I have no doubt some of them are outright fakes. Some have been Photoshopped, or 'adjusted' in the darkroom. But nice nontheless.




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