Coordination Study - Requirement

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Senior Member
Is the coordination study required only for emergency system not normal power system? I heard some folks said it is not required for normal power system, but I thought it was but couldn't find reference rules in NEC, can someone help? Was it changed under 2008 edition? Thanks!
There is no general requirement for selective coordination of overcurrent protective devices for normal power systems in the NEC. It is a design issue and not a code issue.

The way the code is worded has to do with overcurrent devices that supply emergency (or legally required standby) loads. Such devices must be selectively coordinated with all upstream overcurrent devices. A normal load that gets power from a normal source would not come under this requirement. See 700.27 and 701.18.
It is my opinion that the circuits that feed the "emergency loads" must be selectively cooridinated and to me that includes all of the supply side devices that are upstream of these loads, both on the normal and the emergency systems.
It is my opinion that the circuits that feed the "emergency loads" must be selectively cooridinated and to me that includes all of the supply side devices that are upstream of these loads, both on the normal and the emergency systems.

I think Charlie covered that in his response. Am I missing something here?
Check with the AHJ.

In Wisconsin and Minnesota, they only require selectivity to the first upstream device on the normal supply. Their reasoning is that if the normal source feeder device trips, the condition of the rest of the non-emergency system makes no difference to the emergency circuit.
It is my opinion that the circuits that feed the "emergency loads" must be selectively cooridinated and to me that includes all of the supply side devices that are upstream of these loads, both on the normal and the emergency systems.
I don't think I said anything that would contradict that opinion. :cool:

But now I will. ;) A local rule (statewide, actually) says that they will only enforce coordination for the configuration that is in service when the normal utility power is lost and the backup power source is on line.
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