Copper coated steel ground rod minimum size 1/2"

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Senior Member
Southern Maine
In our course book for a residential wiring course it states that a listed copper coated steel ground rod must be a minimum of 1/2" in diameter. The 2011 NEC only gives a diameter of 5/8" for a minimum refereing to stainless steel and copper or zinc coated steel. (I do not have my code book handy to give the section believe its 250.53 sorry) I remember it being in earlier code cycles as minimum of 1/2".

Has this been changed? Or was it just missed in a revision?

In our course book for a residential wiring course it states that a listed copper coated steel ground rod must be a minimum of 1/2" in diameter. The 2011 NEC only gives a diameter of 5/8" for a minimum refereing to stainless steel and copper or zinc coated steel. (I do not have my code book handy to give the section believe its 250.53 sorry) I remember it being in earlier code cycles as minimum of 1/2".

Has this been changed? Or was it just missed in a revision?


Check this out. It is a little dated, but still good.
In our course book for a residential wiring course it states that a listed copper coated steel ground rod must be a minimum of 1/2" in diameter. The 2011 NEC only gives a diameter of 5/8" for a minimum refereing to stainless steel and copper or zinc coated steel. (I do not have my code book handy to give the section believe its 250.53 sorry) I remember it being in earlier code cycles as minimum of 1/2".

Has this been changed? Or was it just missed in a revision?


They did omit the 1/2" minimum as long as the rod is listed. The 2011 code says rods must be at least 5/8" in diameter unless listed. 250.52(A)(5)(b).The 2008 says the same thing but adds and not less than 1/2" diameter after unless listed. Does anyone malke a listed ground rod smaller then 1/2" in diameter?
They did omit the 1/2" minimum as long as the rod is listed. The 2011 code says rods must be at least 5/8" in diameter unless listed. 250.52(A)(5)(b).The 2008 says the same thing but adds and not less than 1/2" diameter after unless listed. Does anyone malke a listed ground rod smaller then 1/2" in diameter?


The problem we ran into is the text does state the 1/2" diameter minimum but no where is that in the NEC any longer so it has them up in arms lol not really just wondering if other things like that are not in the code and many of them will be taking their state exams based on the NEC soon. And its hard to convince them that they should be able to find what they need in the NEC just need to know how to apply it to the questions.

Thanks again.
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