core business

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Senior Member
central nc
I have read many posts and replies about this and that. the way one person views what other people are doing and what they are doing right or wrong. But what i would like to know is what is your core business ( all humor aside) because if I am posting a question about something and we get 90% of our work from hard bidding commercial projects like shopping centers, stores, country clubs and the like I would like to know who is in the same line of business. Not to say that just because you are in a different sector doesnt mean that your opinion isnt just as valid as someone else but i would like to know how many of us that I read and follow every time I am on this site deals with the same issues we do on a daily basis in so far as going after work and bidding jobs etc. just a little breakdown of what your typical project or process of getting the majority of work is would be great. Thank you for all that reply.


Senior Member
South Carolina
Residential builder that does smaller remodels, electrical work (residential and light commercial), and when unavoidable, plumbing. I'd say half work for others, half work for projects that I own for rental/resale.



Senior Member
Can't really nail it down to a core business. Right now I would say residential service upgrades and changes amount for most of my income. But next month I will start a new 2500 amp service change and tons of AC feeders on a building built in the 1920's when I get the generator and lights set up I will have tons of pictures I will post them under can you spot the code compliant installations (that should keep the # of posts down to 2 or 3)


Senior Member
I was strickly new residential, but that market has died so its left to the bottom feeders, since I have moved to commercial and love it, just done 2 strip malls, and a church. been bidding but its a learning process.

brian john

Senior Member
Leesburg, VA
Core business solving problems for EC's, hospital and data centers, then there is the commercial office buildings. We test anything electrical and resolve problems with a strong lean towards data center's.


new zealand


we have a couple of core areas, 1) residential service, 2) tv aerials & satellites, both were very neglected areas here, hence, a great opportunity, also one often leads to the other


Senior Member
I do mostly commercial work, restaraunts, tennant spaces in strip malls, offices, some light industrial work, and some residential service calls,


Senior Member
Newport, NC
tyha said:
just a little breakdown of what your typical project or process of getting the majority of work is would be great. Thank you for all that reply.

Most of our work comes from word of mouth, advertising, and full-time salesman beating the pavement. I have not been involved in projects of the scale you have described, so I do not know the best approach for nailing down those types of jobs. My guess it is mostly bid submittals. I would like to believe we have the ability to do those jobs, but we certainly do not have the manpower.


Senior Member
Rhinelander WI
Residential remodels,new homes, light comercial,have service update for a 4 unit apartment complex coming up next week am acting as an electrical supervisor this week for an industrial cleaning company that is cleaning switch gear and sub stations in a big industrial plant in S. Wi. Have been bussier than I wanted to be this summer. My buisiness doesn't come from any one particular area. If it were up to me I'ld just rope multi-million dollar homes!
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