About 6 months ago an OSHA inspector was here at our plant and noted that the boxes on all of our drop cords are no correct. The person the inspector was talking to at the time is no longer with the company but I was given the job of finding the correct boxes for our dropcords. We have somewhere around 500 to 700 of these cords hanging down all over the plant. There is a strain releif on the box and also one on the other end of the cord. I am not sure if the boxes are incorrect becuase they have knockouts on them or if it is because where the strain releif goes into the box it is not threaded. I am attaching a picture of the box in the hopes that someone may know what is wrong with the boxes and what kind of boxes I can purchase to start changing all of boxes out in the plant.
Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Fred Johns
Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Fred Johns