Cost of relocating panelboard

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have 208/120V three phase 400A panel commercial setting installed right over sink. This would be working space issue so it is relocate to electric room 30 feet away. All the branch ckts and feeders to and from the panel board and panel board itself is going to relcated. What is the cost of doing this?
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lot as in $5k or $10k or higher?
You say you' re a plan reveiwer for an AHJ so why do you care what it cost? With that said it is basically imposible to estimate it with your limited information but I would budget 50K

Because I made the comment to relocate and I was told do you know how much it costs to do this? I basically told code is code you have to relocate so they revised plan with revise construction cost of 5k higher. Permit fees are now 6 percent of construction cost. I was just trying to verify. I guess you don’t trust who I say is who I am. Every time :(
Because I made the comment to relocate and I was told do you know how much it costs to do this? I basically told code is code you have to relocate so they revised plan with construction cost of 5k higher. Permit fees are now 6 percent of construction cost. I was just trying to verify.
Ok but I don't think 5K will cover it, it can be a lot more than that and with out specifics I would stand by my budget number
They both are existing not sure which came first.

It doesn't really matter which was installed first. If the sink is moved and the work space cleared there is no longer a violation.

Is this a sink that really needs to be there or could it be easily relocated.
Because I made the comment to relocate and I was told do you know how much it costs to do this? I basically told code is code you have to relocate so they revised plan with revise construction cost of 5k higher. Permit fees are now 6 percent of construction cost. I was just trying to verify. I guess you don’t trust who I say is who I am. Every time :(

To relocate something on a set of plans before it's built is a lot different than having to physically move a panel from one location to another.
Whatever they do it's going to be a lot cheaper than waiting for the panel and sink to be installed and then having to mover one of them.
Move the sink is cheaper but, the plumber will get the money.
As to cost ??? only you can figure that out.
Move the sink is cheaper but, the plumber will get the money.
As to cost ??? only you can figure that out.

I always try and view cost from my client's standpoint. Many times I have discouraged clients from doing something that is more expensive for them but provides little benefit even if that means I make less money. It makes me feel better to be honest and I gain goodwill which results in positive reviews and personal recommendations.

Just had a guy call me the other day with a power out situation that I guessed was probably a tripped GFCI. Rather that going over there and charging a couple of hundred dollars to turn it back on, I walked him through the procedure on the phone. He found the tripped GFCI and was very thankful and promised to recommend me to everybody on earth. Whether he does or not, I would not feel good about making that service call.

You can give the client your price for moving it and suggest they contact a plumber about moving the sink instead which you suspect would be cheaper. Let them decide after talking to the plumber.
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You say you' re a plan reveiwer for an AHJ so why do you care what it cost? With that said it is basically imposible to estimate it with your limited information but I would budget 50K


Why would that be impossible to estimate?

The panel to be relocated is 400 A, 208/120, 3 phase.
Assuming the 400 A panel is loaded up to it's full standard spaces of 42 spaces (being an older panel) with combination CBs -- why can't you price it to the max.

And OP says it needs to be relocated 30 ft. It's not rocket science to figure out the needed appurtenances, man hours, accessories, e.g. brackets, wires, pull boxes, equipment rentals etc.

So, what makes it impossible to give an estimate?
Why would that be impossible to estimate?

The panel to be relocated is 400 A, 208/120, 3 phase.
Assuming the 400 A panel is loaded up to it's full standard spaces of 42 spaces (being an older panel) with combination CBs -- why can't you price it to the max.

And OP says it needs to be relocated 30 ft. It's not rocket science to figure out the needed appurtenances, man hours, accessories, e.g. brackets, wires, pull boxes, equipment rentals etc.

So, what makes it impossible to give an estimate?

Are you an electrician? (I am not trying to be obnoxious, there are many people on this forum, who are not electricians). There are huge variables such as wiring method used, which direction the circuits are coming from, flush or surface mount, whether a new panelboard is needed, whether there are things that will need to be brought up to code such as AIC ratings......
Are you an electrician? (I am not trying to be obnoxious, there are many people on this forum, who are not electricians). There are huge variables such as wiring method used, which direction the circuits are coming from, flush or surface mount, whether a new panelboard is needed, whether there are things that will need to be brought up to code such as AIC ratings......

If that's the mindset of all electricians, it's no wonder they can't be that good electricians. Thirty feet away, that's three sticks of conduit whether it is on the same wall, behind the wall or on the same plain above or beyond existing location cannot have that big a nuance.

Homeruns and feeder wires and conduits can be estimated with almost near precision.
I've done relocation projects dealing with hundreds of telemetering, signaling circuits and power distribution cables.
For a 42-branch panel, you can count the number of wires with your fingers and toes.

OP is probably looking for budget purposes.
Why would that be impossible to estimate?

The panel to be relocated is 400 A, 208/120, 3 phase.
Assuming the 400 A panel is loaded up to it's full standard spaces of 42 spaces (being an older panel) with combination CBs -- why can't you price it to the max.
I did with my $50K number, why did you not understand that?

And OP says it needs to be relocated 30 ft. It's not rocket science to figure out the needed appurtenances, man hours, accessories, e.g. brackets, wires, pull boxes, equipment rentals etc.
No, the rocket science part would be easy it's the not knowing the size and numbers of the branch circuits and feeders, does the work after be done after hours, is it a sterile area, stainless steel, etc'''. BTW, if it is stainless double my number.

So, what makes it impossible to give an estimate?
See above and then tell me why it would be so hard to give all the information if you want an accurate price. It's no wonder some engineers just spin their wheels while others excell.

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