Cost to install MC vs NM

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Please bare with me, first time posting. Does anyone know a percentage for how much more it would cost to do a job with MC compared to NM. I'm trying to get an estimate together for a job that needs to be done with MC.

LakesideElectric said:
Please bare with me, first time posting. Does anyone know a percentage for how much more it would cost to do a job with MC compared to NM. I'm trying to get an estimate together for a job that needs to be done with MC.


I'd give you an easy number, but it isn't really that easy in my opinion. If the job requires MC cable then that causes me to wonder what type of construction is this going to be? Is it a dwelling? Is it a commercial tenant build out? Office? Hospital? I could run mc cable in a dwelling with steel studs and an attic way faster than in a resturant with wood beams and exposed ceilings for instance. To compare romex vs mc tell us what the conditions are first.
LakesideElectric said:
Please bare with me, first time posting. Does anyone know a percentage for how much more it would cost to do a job with MC compared to NM. I'm trying to get an estimate together for a job that needs to be done with MC.


For one thing your material cost will increase, your installation price will depend on the job conditions, access to work areas, how high, and equipment needed, and what will be the method of securing the cable, fittings, and boxes needed. different material, have different installation methods, not a simple percent change.

If you give us a bit of the installation information, some of the guys may help with some indication of a cost guess.
Sorry, I knew I should have been more specific in the first place. I havent had experience with MC with my previous employer, he retired, I've been on my own now for the last six months. My work is almost all residential, some small commercial jobs for the busineses in town. The project is a one cinema movie theater, 76x40, 50x40 cinema, 2 10x10 baths, 20x20 lobby, 8x10 office, 8x10 projection room, 6x10 mechanical rm, 6x10 storage rm. Steel building, metal studs.

Thanks again
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