Counduit Seals Between Class 1 Div 1 Locations - Different Groups

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Industrial Electrician
I am hoping that someone can help clear up an issue we are dealing with right now.

We are replacing some conduit between two Class 1 Div 1 Locations with a wall between them. The only difference is that one is a Group B location and one is a group D location. The old installation had seal offs after the wall but had fittings between the seal and the wall. What we are looking for is any mention that the seal offs are even required?!? We cannot find any mention in the Code that requires the seal off fittings be required at all.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Good question. I can't refer to a specific NEC reference that addresses it. It has been discussed but not resolved in CMP14 so I can only offer my opinion.

The purpose of sealing is found in Section 501.15 IN. No.1. In my opinion, the wall constitutes a recognizable boundary and it is reasonable to provide a seal consistent with Section 501.15(A)(4). In "open-air" a seal may not be useful, but in the installation described, it would provide for the purpose of Section 501.15 IN. No.1.
Thank you for your reply. That is the path we were on as well so it's nice to have someone else confirm our thoughts.

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