I have had several in-depth, 'off the record' chats with the very folks at UL who police their accounts in China. The views I shall present are as universally accepted as they will be stridently denied if UL is ever officially asked.
Simply put, China is hopeless. The very culture, the entire government, the whole army is corrupt- at least, under our concept of 'corruption.'
The whole Chinese thing is to make it and sell it. Once sold, it's yours. You got fooled? Do sorry, it's your fault you were so stupid as to trust them. A culture that admires cleverness, they didn't hesitate a second to add poison to pet food a few years back - just to kick up the 'protein' test results.
Sure, every now and then there's a scandal, or an enforcement action. Tons of product are piled in the town square and torched for the cameras. Some poor saps -and their families- are marched off to slave labor, or simply shot. Before the ashes have cooled, the same factory is back with new staff, making the very same stuff. You want UL label? No problem, fifty cents extra.
Ban "Made in China?" They'll just stamp it 'made in Mexico,' or whatever other tag they can get away with.
So, what are we to do? Well, to begin with, let's stop helping them cheat. For example, let's look at AFCI's. How do you test an AFCI? Why, we're told, the test button is the only way. This requirement has to make the Chinese dance with joy. "Hey, Wong - these stupid gweilo's want an 'off' button with 'test'[ written on it!" No problem.