Craig's list job posting.

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Has anyone responded to a posting on Craig's list about getting certified to install the lasted "green" energy saving devices in hotel/restaurants sub panels?

I've searched the post thru google and found that it's been posted in Dallas and Houston.

Just tring to see if it worth the effort?

Is this another version of the (soon to be classic) scam that purports to save energy an money, but is actually nothing more than a power factor correction device? We have talked about several such things over the past few months. Can you give us a link to one of your sources, so that we can evaluate exactly what it is that you are describing?
I responded once. They wanted me to become a dealer for their product. I said no thank you.

The ad did state they were looking for installers but this was just a leader to get people to call.
brian john said:
CL also list hookers and used car dealers, not the place to get work IMO.
Lol! I've replied to some local gigs requesting work and did a few. Most of the time I don't get a response back after responding to their ad?! But once in a while someone actually replies and has me do the job. But it's definitely not the best place to get work or other things I'm sure.
I actually got a 60K job off Craig's List one. The one and only time it ever worked out. It was an out of town GC, doing a big project in my area for an out of town owner, and they were advertising on CL for people to bid their job. I was the only EC who responded. They kept me paid up all through the job, and the job went smooth as silk. They had a really nice set of high-dollar plans. I don't expect it'll ever work out like that again.
craig's list

craig's list

But it's definitely not the best place to get work or other things I'm sure.

I actually like craig's list. I've never done any work from there, but I have gotten a great deal on a nice full size diamond plate toolbox for my truck.
sparky723 said:
I actually like craig's list. I've never done any work from there, but I have gotten a great deal on a nice full size diamond plate toolbox for my truck.
yeah you can definitely find some good deals on there.
if somebody sees a DWalt kit and bosch chipping hammer let me know they might be my tools that disapaired from my truck 4 weeks ago
brian john said:
CL also list hookers and used car dealers, not the place to get work IMO.
I'm not too high and mighty to get work from CL. If hookers and used car dealers can do it, I'm OK with that. Why should they get all the money...
mdshunk said:
I actually got a 60K job off Craig's List one. ..(GC) had a really nice set of high-dollar plans.

Prey tell, is there another way to screen these jokers, besides where they advertise?
ramsy said:
Prey tell, is there another way to screen these jokers, besides where they advertise?
I have no idea. I was browsing through the ads on more of a lark. Met the owner at the site, saw that the demo was already professionally done, and they prints were very complete. That was enough for me.
wireperson said:
if somebody sees a DWalt kit and bosch chipping hammer let me know they might be my tools that disapaired from my truck 4 weeks ago
I just bought those from a guy on craigslist. What's the serial numbers and I'll tell yuo if they match or not.
CL joke A murderer, sitting in the electric chair, was

CL joke A murderer, sitting in the electric chair, was

about to be executed.
"Have you any last requests?" asked the Chaplain.

"Yes," replied the murderer. "Will you hold my hand?":)
wewirepgh said:
about to be executed.
"Have you any last requests?" asked the Chaplain.

"Yes," replied the murderer. "Will you hold my hand?":)
"Of course, my son. Let me grab my PPE gear."
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