Creative temporary

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Senior Member
Ocala, Florida, USA
Electrician/Estimator/Project Manager/Superintendent
I have to install a temp hookup to a job trailer. The panel is 20 feet inside the building, then extend down underground to the trailer location. I obviously want to do it in the cheapest way possible. My thought is to use SEU cable for the entire run. Southwire says their SER is rated as type SE cable for installation in wet and dry locations, above ground. But the conductors are also rated THWN. I don't see any reason why I can't run it overhead inside the building unprotected, then in a conduit sleeve down the outside, underground in conduit, and up under the trailer, then exposed under the trailer with a short stub up to the exterior panel protected again by conduit.

My feeling is that underground it is still THWN in conduit so that would be legal, even though SER underground is not. Then all other locations it is SE not subject to damage wet or dry location.

Anyone see a problem with this? BTW, the problem I would see is an insistence that the SE is not listed for underground. If that were the consensus, then would merely removing the jacket for the underground portion make it a compliant THWN installation?
First thought.

Are the conductors that you strip out of the cable going to be marked THWN?

I would assume so, because Southwire states they are rated as that. I don't know for a fact, but for my question, let us assume they are individually marked. Of course there is a bare ground with no marking.
I would assume so, because Southwire states they are rated as that. I don't know for a fact, but for my question, let us assume they are individually marked. Of course there is a bare ground with no marking.

SE cable is not permitted underground sleeved or not. 348.12(A)(2)
SE cable is not permitted underground sleeved or not. 348.12(A)(2)

But the wire is rated THWN and THWN is allowed underground in conduit. I am not arguing against you per se, I am pointing this out to clarify your statement. Is it your position that even though the individual wires are rated for underground in conduit, the rating is void because the assembly is rated, SE? I would think it is OK due to the THWN rating, as long as the wires are individually identified.
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