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Can anyone tell me were i can by crimpers to tie in a service. I rent them each time i do an upgrade, but i would like a pair of my own. My electrical supply house wants $600 dollars for them. Can i get them cheaper?:grin:
What size wire do you want to be able to crimp? That will determine how much you are going to pay. You can try ebay. Before we owned our large crimpers our supply house loaned theirs to us for free.
Trovmar said:
Can anyone tell me were i can by crimpers to tie in a service. I rent them each time i do an upgrade, but i would like a pair of my own. My electrical supply house wants $600 dollars for them. Can i get them cheaper?:grin:
You want hand operated woodie for service laterals or regular hydraulic hypress? our poco supplies us with one bolt connectors in plastic insulated covering for final termination they will give them to you generously as soon as you flash your shingle. this way they do not have to come back and re crimp the connections some idiots put up using rx connectors and dont follow up on the poco recrimp. Idiots!!
What are you crimping? H-taps or Insulinks? In any event, the MD-6 (or MD6-8) has pretty much the standard lineman's press tool for decades, and it's only about 300 bucks. They're all over eBay for around 100 on a regular basis.
Trovmar said:
Yes thats correct it's a burndy.
Thanks guys this forum is great
Yeah, but what kind of taps? The MD6 has a 5/8" nose die and an 'D' hinge die. That's for the big H-taps in the D slot and the tube sleeves in the 5/8" slot. The MD6-8 has an 'O' nose die and a 'D' hinge die for both the small and large H-Taps, and you'd need the 5/8" adaptor to click in the 'D' slot to do the tube sleeves. That's my recommendation. Get the MD6-8 along with the 5/8" die to click in and you can do pretty much everything.
Greenlee makes pretty much an identical copy of the MD6 tool now. I can't seem to find it, but the price is pretty much the same as the Burndy and the dies are the same.
Trovmar said:
Can anyone tell me were i can by crimpers to tie in a service. I rent them each time i do an upgrade, but i would like a pair of my own. My electrical supply house wants $600 dollars for them. Can i get them cheaper?:grin:

In related news.....over on the homeowner forum....

Can anyone tell me where I can get a service upgrade? I really need one done but my electrician wants $3,000.00 dollars for it. Can I get it done cheaper?
Anyone see my point?
mdshunk said:
Nothing wrong with exploring the options.

I agree, I would too. Just being a smart "tushy" is that ok BOB? :D

It's just funny how we as a group are always talking about how the customer hired the other guy because he was cheaper and yet we do exactly the same thing when it comes to spending our own money.
electricmanscott said:
It's just funny how we as a group are always talking about how the customer hired the other guy because he was cheaper and yet we do exactly the same thing when it comes to spending our own money.
Not really. When I have to hire someone, I don't really haggle. When I have to buy something, I certainly try to get the best deal. Reason being, the product is absolutely identical. With a service, it's well established that you get what you pay for. Apples and oranges. By the way, I very seldom make major tool and equipment purchases new. There's way, way too much available second hand. I know I've got at least a couple hundred thousand of dollars worth of equipment purchased for a mere fraction of retail.
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