Crimping tools for insulink type SE connectors

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Anyone have any comments on the Greenlee K425BG crimpers? They're about half the price of the Ilsco ND-60 crimpers.

I need to be able to crimp insulated splices for service entrance conductors up to 4/0 Al. Ilsco has connectors in the PICS series that I can get at my local distributor. I can also get Burndy at another local supply house, but I don't think Burndy makes insulated connectors past 1/0, at least not that I've seen on their website.

What's everyone else use?


The Burndy MD6-8 with the appropriate die is my first choice for H-taps, Serv-Ens, and Insulinks. The Kearney O tool is basically the same tool.

For the smaller Insulinks, the Burndy's OH-25 small one-hand operated tool is much, much handier.
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I also use the MD-6 crimper. I use the Blackburn Sealeeve connectors.

Part Number:
IKL-45 will handle 2/0 crimps
IKL-55 will handle 3/0 crimps
IKL-65 will handle 4/0 crimps

The MD-6 uses W-Dies
I have to sets one for the Insulink
and the larger set for the Sealeeve.
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