CT 2008 NEC adpotion

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peter d

Senior Member
New England

I just took my required yearly CEU for Connecticut this past weekend. My instructor was a CT city building official so I asked him when the state was going to adopt the 2008 NEC. He said at this point it's likely that the state will adopt the 2008 at all and instead go right the 2011, citing the review process of all the changes as the reason.
pushing the deadline a bit are we? :D

I've heard the same about skipping the '08, don't remember where though. Pretty typical for this state as I'm sure you are aware. CT just sorta re-adopted the 2005 State building code with a few '09 amendments Aug 1st. There are a few changes to the electrical section in the '09 amendment which basically just references the 05' NEC.

'09 Electrical amendments start on page 61 of this document http://www.ct.gov/dps/lib/dps/offic...or_files/2009_amendment_final_unformatted.pdf.

'05 State Building Code (Electrical amendments on page 112) can be found here http://www.ct.gov/dps/lib/dps/office_of_state_building_inspector_files/2005_state_building_code.pdf.
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