Table looks like IEC CT sizing information for various sizes of transformers or services. The CT specification, ratios and 1 A secondaries look like IEC.
Top row lists the transformer/load size in kVA. Right Column lists the CT type- metering or protection (X or P), the size (10VA) and the accuracy.
Rows A-C list various ratios of CT's. Row A looks like dual ratio metering CT's, 600:1 or 400:1. Class X is usually a higher accuracy for metering pruposes.
Row B look like dual ratio protection CT's, 100:1 or 50:1. The 5P20 rating means a protection CT capable of delivering 20 times rated current (20A) with a 5% accuracy. (If I recall the specs correctly).
Row C are single ratio protection CT's. The ratios look like they might be for 400V secondary CT's for the given size of the transformer in the top row.
Could be a chart for sizing CT's for transformers. A is for HV metering, B for HV protection and C for LV protection. (Wild guess).