CT Scan OCPD and Wire Size Calculation

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Junior Electrical Engineer
Good day everyone!

May I ask your expertise on how you sized the OCPD and Feeder of CT Scan?


What buggs me is that the rating "24kW (200mA@120 kV, 225mA@100kV)" is its Maximum X-ray Output. It confuses me how do I size the OCPD and Feeder in order to operate this machine safely. 517.73(A)(1) and (2) of NEC 2020 mentions the term momentary rating and long-time rating. Are these terms somehow connected to the output? There are no other electrical-related specification provided by the datasheet.

You expertise is of great help to me. Any help is highly appreciated.
The manufacturer's installation instructions should have the electrical requirements. The portion of the specifications you posted are not what you need to be looking at. Every CT machine I've designed for had specific voltage, breaker, and conductor size requirements clearly stated.
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