CT Shorting Terminal Block

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Senior Member
Southeastern PA
Most of the CT Shorting Blocks I see installed have wire jumpers. What do you guy's do? (a) Install wire jumpers (b) use the shorting screws (c) use the screws and install wire jumpers.
Shorting screws are the easiest method. What are you doing that requires you to short the CT secondary. I work with many CT's, and have never had to work with a hot CT. I can see it being neccesary on a very rare occasion, just not often.

What are some service calls you guys have shorted out a CT's secondary using the screws or jumpers?
Shorting screws are the easiest method. What are you doing that requires you to short the CT secondary. I work with many CT's, and have never had to work with a hot CT. I can see it being neccesary on a very rare occasion, just not often.

What are some service calls you guys have shorted out a CT's secondary using the screws or jumpers?

I installed 12 Square D Power Logic Circuit Monitors on the substations in a industrial facility and tied them into their network using Ethernet Communication Cards to give them real time data and history.
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