Current Limiting Breaker


Senior Member
New York, NY
I never looked at the curve for a current limiting circuit breaker.

I attached the graph for one (current limiting breaker.pdf). My question is, is the diagonal line all the way on the left, labeled 'Maximum available peak current at 15% Power Factor'... is this line the same as the A-B line that you see on the graph for a current limiting fuse (see attached jpg file)?


  • Current Limiting Breaker.pdf
    68.8 KB · Views: 7
  • 17b_DomINTRO.jpg
    612.1 KB · Views: 3
I believe it is.

I did short circuit and arc flash studies for many years. I don't think I have used 'Let-through' curves more than once in the past 40 years.
I haven't used let through curves since it became evident from published articles that the up-over-down method was unacceptable to "reduce" fault currents due to dynamic impedance. Probably 25 years ago