customer invoicing

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new zealand
does anyone have computer invoicing in their trucks? or anything similar, also, what softwae are you using for this, and how have you found it? we are looking at getting mobile eftpos machines for the vans, and would like to invoice out on the job and not have to send it back to the office to be entered all over again into the computer. I'm not really sure what is available, or if we have to handwrite the invoices and then get the office to enter them all over again??:confused:
I collect in cash only before I leave the job.... oh, wait.... that's my other venture :roll:. We handwrite the invoices, and then retype them in the office.
One way would be laptop computer, printer, Quickbooks, or any other good database to track the invoices. Even Excel is great for this purpose. Or create your own using Filemaker or Access. There are many options for storing invoices and printing them. Myself, I create my invoices in Excel, and then export the data into my own system I made using Filemaker.
have any of you guys looked into quickbooks online edition? everything lives on their servers, so you have access to it from whatever computer you're at. i think they have a service where they mail out a paper invoice for $1 or something, can also send PDF invoice via email, and they have credit card processing too.
There's a program I use called LogMeIn which allows you to access a computer from another remote computer. It only works if you have internet access at the job site. If you have a laptop on the job you can access the computer in the office and enter the invoice directly on the office computer, print it off, give it to customer, and the office doesn't have to do anymore.
PDA invoicing

PDA invoicing

For service jobs, I like to use my PDA to fill out an invoice and capture a signature from the customer. I can print it out in the truck with a mobile printer. The software is called Lowfat Invoice (Quickbooks Edition). I can create a neat and clean printed invoice in the field for the customer, and then when I get back to the office I can easily sync it with Quickbooks for my accounting.

I've used it for about 4 years now. Using my laptop was way too cumbersome, but since the PDA uses the exact downloaded QB item lists, it makes writing the invoice a piece of cake.

- Greg
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