Customer owned transformer grounding/bonding

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Senior Member
I am in Michigan on the 2017 code. We have are installing a customer owned oil filled transformer that is 2000 kva 8320/4800 to 480/277. We also have a PMH before the transformer. Is there a code reference that allows me to run ground rods at the transformer separate from the building grounding system like the POCO typically does to bond the transformer and run zero equipment grounds to my gear? My gear would be considered my service and bonding point for my grounding system.


Do I need to bring my grounding system to the oil filled transformer, bond there, remove the bonding jumper in my gear and my PMH becomes my service disconnect?
If the "Service Point" (end of POCO's involvement) is at the PMH, that is your service disconnect and your transformer grounding falls under 250.30.
There are some exceptions in 250.30 that allow you to omit the SSBJ for installatiosn that comply with 250.30)A)(1) Exception 2.
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