customer spec question

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i have a customer spec that calls for identifying conduits by marking them and i have never heard of electrical supervisory systems. so does anyone no what a electrical supervisory system would be???
If that is in the Spec, aren't there prints with it that you can look at the wiring to see what it does.

It will probably be some form of control wiring. Possibly like a lighting control system for a large building or complex.

Regardless, the label is for their use. Call it Alien Repellant System if they want.
No such animal as a circuit.
"Electrical Supervisory System" is a project name.
Probably some form of data collection. Possible communication circuits such as Ethernet or Twisted pair. Or it may just be hardwired point-to-point interlock control circuits.
I've seen vendor propriatary networks that connect to voltage/current/monitors on switchgear and MCCs as well as some smart breakers. Communicates back to a PC with special software.

Sounds like it's time for an RFI.
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