Cutout fuses For OHTL


Electrical engineering
Can we replace fuse tube 100amp with blade 300amp and over the current to 260 amp without replacing cutout fuses?
Going to have to go into some clearer detail. You talking about distribution cutouts?
The way I’m reading this is you want to remove a 100 amp fuse barrel and replace it with a solid blade.
Not sure what you're talking about replacing fuses. Help me out a little.
Going to have to go into some clearer detail. You talking about distribution cutouts?
The way I’m reading this is you want to remove a 100 amp fuse barrel and replace it with a solid blade.
Not sure what you're talking about replacing fuses. Help me out a little.
Yes, about distribution cutouts
I need to remove fuse tube 100amp and replace it by solid blade 300amp
Yes, about distribution cutouts
I need to remove fuse tube 100amp and replace it by solid blade 300amp
Shouldn't be a problem as long as the cutout assembly is rated for your fault current.
We do it often. At every recloser we put solid doors in so the fuses won’t blow over our heads when we are servicing them.
Shouldn't be a problem as long as the cutout assembly is rated for your fault current.
We do it often. At every recloser we put solid doors in so the fuses won’t blow over our heads when we are servicing them.
Thanks for your help
We will over the current of the line from 80 amp to 260 amp extended loads.
Cutout fuses is 100amp will change only the fuse tube(100amp) by blade 300amp
Shouldn't be a problem as long as the cutout assembly is rated for your fault current.
We do it often. At every recloser we put solid doors in so the fuses won’t blow over our heads when we are servicing them.
How can we different between chance cutout fuses 27kv 100 amp and chance 27kv 300 amp when the blade and tube is removed?
I don’t know the application, that's why I said make sure the assemble is rated for your fault current.
Station class cutout assembly's are tested at 60,000 amps, yet may have a 1amp fuse for the station transformer. Distribution class are tested for 20,000 amps.
I’m talking about the cutout assembly, NOT the fuse barrel or the solid blade. They really don’t matter.
I don’t know exactly what you're wanting, but I'll try.
A 100A is a tube and is rated to carry 100A continuous (with the right fuse loaded)
200A is a tube and follows the same rules as the. 100. Except it's rated at 200A.
A 300A is a blade type.
After that you go to 600A disconnects