cuttler hammer br series breakers burning up on new installaiton

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New member
South Dakota
Hello there, has anyone ever had or heard of new circuit breakers burning up? I have a bran new install with twin 200A ch panelboards, one panel is feeding an electric furnace with two 60A heating elements having over current devices on the unit itself however the 60A ocpd in the panel board which is drawing roughly 45A has began to melt but will not trip out due to excessive heating. I am assuming this would be from a "bad" breaker or loose connection to the buss as I have seen similar activity with meter sockets being loose. Tried new breakers in different locations in the panelboard hopeing this will solve the issue???
I do not use CH but I have in the past and I have found them to be quite good and of excellent quality. Of course any manufacturer v=can have issues, at times, with quality control.

BTW- I saw that CH now has an AFCI that has an LED read out that diagnoses the trouble on the line.
if both 60 amp breakers are across from each other on the same stabs, this would result in a 90 amp current on the stabs, which may be the reason for the overheating, moving them to different stabs should help.
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