I read this article and am confused. Could somebody please help me out? The article talks about electrolysis on the mechanical portion of a home and gives the bonding to the water pipe as the main culprit. Where would this stray voltage be coming from? From my electrical classes, it is known that electricity will take many points back to ground, so are they talking about small voltages that are traveling through the water pipes that should be going to ground via the nuetral through bonding or down to the well casing? Also, I have heard that well drillers dont want to see water pipe grounding because it is hurting the submersible pumps in the well. Does anybody else have experience with this? I was blown away when it says in the article that a good way to stop the electrolysis problem in plumbing pipes is to install a piece of plastic pipe at the area where the water pipe enters the home. In effect, causing isolation of of the grounded well casing and the mechanical system. And also maybe cutting out the grounding electrode.
I read this article and am confused. Could somebody please help me out? The article talks about electrolysis on the mechanical portion of a home and gives the bonding to the water pipe as the main culprit. Where would this stray voltage be coming from? From my electrical classes, it is known that electricity will take many points back to ground, so are they talking about small voltages that are traveling through the water pipes that should be going to ground via the nuetral through bonding or down to the well casing? Also, I have heard that well drillers dont want to see water pipe grounding because it is hurting the submersible pumps in the well. Does anybody else have experience with this? I was blown away when it says in the article that a good way to stop the electrolysis problem in plumbing pipes is to install a piece of plastic pipe at the area where the water pipe enters the home. In effect, causing isolation of of the grounded well casing and the mechanical system. And also maybe cutting out the grounding electrode.