I am in the final stages of specifying the branch circuits for a data center. In order to have maximum flexibility, I would like to use 3-phase 30A, 208V branch circuits as a standard. There are numerous rack PDU vendors out there that can supply various receptacle configurations from this input so this a a greatly simplified way to manage my rack power distribution (at the cost of pole space).
When I discussed this config with my electrican, he raised the issue of how much he would be able to oversubscribe the ampacity of the PDUs. I have 150kVA, 480v PDUs fed by a 250A subfeed breaker. There are 3 42-pole panelboards on each PDU, so I have pole space for 42 of these 30A feeds, which is obviously more than my PDUs capacity.
How many of these 30A feeds would be legal? Is there a standard diversity factor that would apply? The 30A breakers and feeds are more for a convenience- we would (of course) need to carefully manage our current capacity back at the PDU...
Tom S
When I discussed this config with my electrican, he raised the issue of how much he would be able to oversubscribe the ampacity of the PDUs. I have 150kVA, 480v PDUs fed by a 250A subfeed breaker. There are 3 42-pole panelboards on each PDU, so I have pole space for 42 of these 30A feeds, which is obviously more than my PDUs capacity.
How many of these 30A feeds would be legal? Is there a standard diversity factor that would apply? The 30A breakers and feeds are more for a convenience- we would (of course) need to carefully manage our current capacity back at the PDU...
Tom S