Data conduit under Classified location.

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Senior Member
Master Electrician, Electrical Inspector
Can a pvc for data ( phone or communication) be run under the 20’ boundary area of a fuel dispensary without seals on both ends? 24” cover could be achieved. Would like to run the data conduit in same ditch as power conduit, but conduit would not emerge at pump,only pass under the classified area. If cable in data conduit was fiber optic may have to seal? 500.8(F). Thanks for any help. Code references please.
I'm assuming the emphasis on 24" cover is with regard to Section 514.8 Ex. No.2. For all practical purposes, the main text of Section 514.8 makes no distinction with respect to the contents of the raceway, and the Exception only applies to the raceway construction itself. The raceway installation requirements are still the same as the main text requirements; i.e., PVC installed per the Exception is ok, sealing requirements are still per the main text.

NOTE: With reference to Section 500.8(F) and Article 514, see Section 510.2.
Thank you both very much for your replies. Lots of knowledge here.
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