Day care

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Senior Member
I am looking at a daycare facatilty there curent lighting is 8'open florecents .If im correct dont they have to have enclosed fixtures?


Electron manager
NE Nebraska
If enclosed lamps are required it is possible that either coated shatter resistant lamps or tube guards may be acceptable.

The requirement if it exists is outside scope of NEC.


Senior Member
I am looking at a daycare facatilty there curent lighting is 8'open florecents .If im correct dont they have to have enclosed fixtures?

yes and i believe the lense must have a permanent attachment or hinge to protect against accidental dropping...but what do i know as the only six or so we ever wired were for a small chain in the early 70 s...we never heard of a day care facility at the was new to us, and if there were rules, we did not know of them...i remember my boss asking the GC how do you wanted it wired ? he said wire it like you would wire a barn...
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