Daytime motion sensor testing

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I used to put black tape on the light sensor to mimic nighttime. Does that trick still work? Test mode works fine.

I've had to wrap some photocells with several turns of tape to simulate nighttime to truly test them. I dont know enough about motion sensors to answer your question, dont think Ive ever had to wrap one to test it tho.
Test mode just by passes the photo cell part and set a 5 second on timing mode. no need for tape.
It all depends on the make and model.
The RAB Stealth 200 and 150 series, do not have a test button but it will go into test mode for approximately 5 minutes after it is power up (so just shut it off for 10 seconds and then turn it back on). You could also put it in day and night mode and that should help you adjust it if that is what you are looking to do.
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