Does anyone have a formula for calculating incident energy on a DC system? NFPA has one in appendix D, but it requires bolted fault current (my previous post), and transformer rating and impedance are part of calculating bolted fault in an AC system, but not DC. Any information on DC arcs would be great.
As you noted, IEEE 1584 does not address DC arc flash. And NFPA 70E Appendix D5 leaves a lot to be desired. Actually, it really sucks - i don't know why they published it. As you noted, there is no guidance on estimating fault currents. There is no MH cheat sheet nor Internet calculator. This is definitely non-trivial and YOU get to be the "engineer of record".
All is not lost. There are a few papers that can help:
DC Arc Models and Incident Energy Calculations - RF Ammerman (2009)
Electric Arcs in Open Air - AD Stokes (1991)
One current reference incorporating these papers is:
Complete Guide to Arc Flash Hazard Calculation Studies - Jim Philips (2011). I'm sure there are others, I just happen to have read his.
Here is a start:
Consider a DC series circuit: Source Voltage, Source Internal Resistance, Conductor Resistance, Arc Gap Resistance.
Stokes came up with the Arcing Current equations:
Iarc = VDC/Rtot, where
Iarc = the short cirduit current
VDC = source Voltage
Rtot = Source Internal Resistance + Conductor Resistance + Arc Gap Resistance
(No sweat, that's just Ohm's Law)
And Stokes trickey part #1:
Rarc = [20 + (.534 x G)] / (Iarc^.88)
G = the arcing gap (you get to choose that)
In order to calculate the Iarc, one must know the Rarc. And to calculate the Rarc one must know the Iarc. (almost fubared)
Just use an iteration. Start with Iarc = .5 x I(bolted fault), calculate Rarc, Add in R(source) and R(conductor) to get Rtot. Divide Rtot into VDC to get a new Iarc. Put the new Iarc back into Stokes equation to get a new Rarc. Iterate. Do this a few times and the value Iarc will converge.
Now you just need to know the Source Resistance. The following paper is one of the simpler ones for estimating transformer/rectifier impedance:
RailCorp Engineering Standard Electrical, EP 03 00 00 01 TI, Rectifier Transformer & Rectifier Characteristics - Neal Hook (2001)
here is a link:
Look at pages 10, 11, 12.
Once you get the Iarc and Rarc, then determine the trip time (CB/fuse curve). With that you calculate Power and Energy (normal formulas)
Now decide if the arc is in open air or in enclosed. The arc flash equations are given by the Ammerman paper.
If you got this far without having to bleach your eyeballs from reading this - we can discuss it some more.
Good luck - let us know how it comes out.