There are several ways to calculate the conversion loss. However, to me NEC in its application, is Power Factor centric as related to apparent power.
So do you know the pf of the conversion equipment?
pf is a simple way to model steady state AC power.
Depends a bit on rectifier configuration* and whether it is an uncontrolled rectifier (diodes) or a phase controlled rectifier (SCRs).If the DC power plant needs a total 3,000A @ 48VDC.
How to calculate electrical service (Amp. or kVA) at 480V/3PH to serve this plant load?
(Assuming this AC power service shall feed several rectifiers inside DC plants)...
about the only thing that can be said for sure without a lot more information is that it will require a service of at least 48V*3000A or 144 kVA. That works out to 173A.
For guessing purposes, I would guess at a 400A service.
You really need more info. There will probably be more than 3000A of rectifier load because the plants are typically designed to be able to recharge the batteries while supporting the 3000A load.
You need to know how many rectifiers there are and what the AC input amps are for each. For estimating purposes, I would allow at least another 10% for battery charging. No matter what the connected DC load is, you will have to support all rectifiers at full output at some point.