Decora multi gang trim

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Loosen the screws enough to adjust the switches but they will stay put when you let go. Hold the trim plate up to the switches backwards, finished side tword the wall, and fine tune and fiddle till you get what you want, then attach the plate proper.
Another tip I would pass along that I didn't do years ago but now I do all the time is be sure your box is level after you nail it on, especially like a 4gang box. Some of the cheap plastic boxes will twist a little or not be level if you hammer one side more than the other. And nothing looks worse (or gets more bad comments from HO's or contractors) then 4 switches right next to the door or opening that aren't level.
One other trick, don't use hard plastic plates, they are not very forgiving. The softer non breakable nylon plates are easier to line up the devices to. You still need to get switches in correct position or it will look horrible, but don't have to be quite as precise.
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