Dedicated Branch Circuit

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Tim C

New member
In a commercial application would a dedicated branch circuit require a dedicated nuetral? If not, would a dedicated nuetral be an industry standard for a commercial dedicated circuit?
Not sure what the second question is about.

In a commercial application would a dedicated branch circuit require a dedicated nuetral? If not, would a dedicated nuetral be an industry standard for a commercial dedicated circuit?
In a commercial application would a dedicated branch circuit require a dedicated nuetral? If not, would a dedicated nuetral be an industry standard for a commercial dedicated circuit?

I would say no and no however there is no rule either way. Certain application may require individual neutrals while others it may not matter.
Keep in mind, just because the code doesn't require it, it doesn't mean your customer or engineer might not require separate neutrals. Check the specs if any. It is a good idea to maintain current practice in a given facility. If all existing receptacles are installed ground up, install new ones ground up. If all existing dedicated circuits are installed with separate neutrals, do the same with new install.
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