dedicated circuit for driveway gate

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I have always installed a 20 amp. dedicated circuit for automatic driveway gate motor(s) The gate people are saying that the colume light fixture circuit can be used to supply their 1/2 HP motor and the light. I can't find code reference requiring a dedicated circuit . 2005 code is applicible.any help? thanks Steve


Senior Member
Re: dedicated circuit for driveway gate

I've only done a few. I'm not aware of any requirement for a dedicated circuit.

I've got an operator controller here. I was gonna look in the instructions for any mention of dedicated circuits but I cant find the stupid manual.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: dedicated circuit for driveway gate

Sounds fine to me. Generally, utilization equipment that is fastened in place can share a circuit if its ampacity is 50% or less than the circuit ampacity. According to table 430.248 a 1/2 HP motor @ 120 volts would draw 9.8 amps. This would less than 50% if the branch circuit for the light was 20 amps. Take a look at 210.23(A) & 210.23(A)(2).
Re: dedicated circuit for driveway gate

Thanks to all,
You helped to clear my head as to how to approach my responce to the situation. Steve
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