Dedicated Electrical Space question

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In regards to complying with Indoor Dedicated Electrical Space - I need to upgrade a residential service from 100 to 200 amps and am concerned about the location of the current panel, which will become the location for the new panel also. The panel is mounted to an outside wall and there is a 4 inch cast iron waste pipe running horizontally along the wall which passes directly under the panel. It seems pretty clear to me that this would not pass the requirements of 110.26 F (I)(a). There is a lot of other stuff on the wall to the left and right and a clear, alternate location is not to be had; not without considerable cost. If that piping is indeed a problem, could a work-around this requirement solve the problem, like building a frame on which to mount the panel to bring it, say 5 inches out from the wall so that the piping is in effect behind the plane on which the panel would be mounted?
If that piping is indeed a problem, could a work-around this requirement solve the problem, like building a frame on which to mount the panel to bring it, say 5 inches out from the wall so that the piping is in effect behind the plane on which the panel would be mounted?
Bolt two Strut L's to floor, then two to the ceiling, and two sticks vertical - mount panel... (I have this exact set-up in my garage ;))

Or shoot a peice of PT 2x4 to the floor and build a one stud-bay wall in much the same way.
Thanks and sorry at the same time. AFTER I posted this, I searched the forum and found the answer I was looking for. I now see that yes, the pipe under the panel is a problem and that yes, I can simply build a structure upon which to mount the panel so that the pipe would be behind the panel.
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