Dedicated Equipment Space Conflict

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A/A Fuel GTX

Senior Member
I had a UDC inspector call me on a cleanout that is flush in a basement floor in front of a panel. I think he's wrong as 110.26, IMO, doesn't address what's in the floor as long as it doesn't extend above the floor. Opinions?
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Senior Member
as long as its not above the floor to cause a trip hazzard I dont see how it is in the workspace. would floor tile or carpet be a violation also?
If you are talking about dedicated space and not work space, here is what the NEC states.

110.26(F)(1)(a) Dedicated Electrical Space.
The space equl to the width and depth of the equipment and extending from the floor to a height of...

I would show the inspector this wording and discuss it from there.
Good luck.

It may be possible that the cleanout below the equipment requires a minimum of space???


Senior Member
It may be possible that the cleanout below the equipment requires a minimum of space???

The International Plumbing Code says "Cleanouts on 6" and smaller pipes shall be provide with a clearance of not less than 18" for rodding." (36" for 8" pipe and larger)

As far as whether the cleanout clearance can share the required working space for equipment I would think would be an AHJ call.

If it was my call, I would allow it. Are you likely to have a plumber and electrician in the space at the same time? Probably not.


Senior Member
New Jersey
Nothing says the dedicated space cannot be used for more than just that panel such as more than on panel or when in a corrider even egress space. I don't think it is a violation.
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