Dedicated Equipment Space

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Senior Member
At one time article 384 prohibited foreign systems from passing through electrical equipment rooms that contain equipment under the scope of that article if they didn?t serve the room. It had to be treated similar to an elevator equipment room. It appears to have been dropped in all the shuffling of this section. I searched the ?96 and ?99 codes earlier and could not find it. I just looked in a ?90 code at found ?No piping, ducts or equipment foreign to the electrical equipment or architectural appurtenances shall be permitted to be installed in, enter or pass through such spaces or rooms.?
I don?t have a ?93 code. Was the ?93 the last cycle that included this statement? Or is it still there somewhere and I haven?t found it?


New york
Re: Dedicated Equipment Space

450.47 adresses Transformer Vaults and restricts foreign installations to that room, I couldn't find any other restrictions for electric rooms.

tom baker

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Bremerton, Washington
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Re: Dedicated Equipment Space

Correct it was moved to Art 110> it now applies to all electrical installations.


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Equipment Space

Yes, the section was moved to 110. But what I am specifically after is the language. It used to very clearly prohibit mechanical systems that did not serve the room from entering or passing through the room. That seems to have been dropped and now as long as the systems stay out of the specified zones, mechanical and plumbing contractors can run whatever they want through electrical equipment rooms. Is that the intent of the code making panels?


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Retired Electrician
Re: Dedicated Equipment Space

Nick, the 96 code was the last code cycle for this. (384) I have a feeling it was pressure from architects having to give up added space they considered waste, or not being able to use for there needs. IMHO

Notice elevator equipment rooms haven't given in YET.


[ March 04, 2003, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: roger ]
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