Dedicated lighting circuit calculations with LED lights

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New member
Rio Rancho NM
If I use a recessed can light rated for 65 watts but I retrofit the can for LED light of 12.5 watts. I'm I limited by the can rating? With LED technology now days it is possible to add more lights due to their lower power. This is for new construction by the way


Senior Member
I believe these NEC sections apply.

220.18 Maximum Loads.
The total load shall not exceed
the rating of the branch circuit, and it shall not exceed the
maximum loads specified in 220.18(A) through (C) under
the conditions specified therein.
(B) Inductive and LED Lighting Loads.
For circuits sup-
plying lighting units that have ballasts, transformers, au-
totransformers, or LED drivers, the calculated load shall be
based on the total ampere ratings of such units and not on
the total watts of the lamps

210.19(A)(1) General.
Branch-circuit conductors shall have an am-
pacity not less than the maximum load to be served. Con-
ductors shall be sized to carry not less than the larger of
210.19(A)(1)(a) or (b).
(a) Where a branch circuit supplies continuous loads
or any combination of continuous and noncontinuous loads,
the minimum branch-circuit conductor size shall have an
allowable ampacity not less than the noncontinuous load
plus 125 percent of the continuous load.
(b) The minimum branch-circuit conductor size shall
have an allowable ampacity not less than the maximum
load to be served after the application of any adjustment or
correction factors.

410.6 Listing Required.
All luminaires, lampholders, and
retrofit kits shall be listed

Smart $

Esteemed Member
In short, I believe the can rating has to be used unless the retrofit is an optional part of the listing.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
In short, I believe the can rating has to be used unless the retrofit is an optional part of the listing.

I agree but this is where the old rules have not caught up with the changes. There are some instances where someone may want incandescents so that would be the reason for it.

Until the incandescents are unavailable then I am afraid you need to follow the can rating. Kind of silly especially since you could have 100 cans on one circuit with LED's
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