Dedicated space above equipment - clarification please

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United States
110.26 (E)... Dedicated electrical space above equipment....
I often run out of wall space in existing Mechanical rooms and require installing a disconnect switch, VFD, or starter under HVAC duct with less than the full 6 ft dedicated space above. I have always considered the above dedicated space clearances to be for Panels, Switchboards and MCC's. Does this include disconnect switches, starters and VFD's? :?
I have always considered the above dedicated space clearances to be for Panels, Switchboards and MCC's. Does this include disconnect switches, starters and VFD's?
Switchgear was recently added to the list. But only those four items require the dedicated equipment space. I believe it has to do with the potential for future installation of additional conduits. Your disconnect switch and VFD and other items not on the list will not require future additional conduits.

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