210.26(E)(1)(a) Dedicated Electrical Space. The space equal to the width and depth of the equipment and extending from the floor to a height of 1.8 m (6 ft) above the equipment or to the structural ceiling, whichever is lower, ...
The dedicated space does not extend in front of thety
Conduits can be in the dedicated space above the equipment but if the crown box is the same depth as the equipment then the conduits are not within the dedicated equipment space. If they're above 6 ½' (or the height of the equipment if greater) then they are not in the required working space either.4 inch conduit exiting the front of a a crown bow at a height of 7 ft 2 from finish floor. The conduits are within the 6 ft dedicated space above the 6 1/2 dedicated space from the floor. My concern is that conduits might be too low into the dedicated space even though its part of gear since the conduits were installed in the front of the crown box instead of the top. Thank you