Dedicated Working Space and Crown Box

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New York

According to Article 110.26(E), 6 feet is a required working space above the equipment. In the case where a crown box is installed on top of the equipment, do we need to take crown box as part of the equipment when considering the working space? Or do we still measure from top of the equipment for working space?

Thanks a lot.
It's 6' of dedicated equipment space not working space. IMO a crown box is not part of the equipment and is actually in the dedicated space where it's permitted to be.

According to Article 110.26(E), 6 feet is a required working space above the equipment. In the case where a crown box is installed on top of the equipment, do we need to take crown box as part of the equipment when considering the working space? Or do we still measure from top of the equipment for working space?

Thanks a lot.

Tough question. AHJ dependent, I wouldn’t consider crown box, but from the top of the equipment instead.
Given the purpose of that requirement, I would start the 6' at the top of the crown box. (assuming a crown box is an enclosure that is providing additional wiring space on top of the equipment.
Given the purpose of that requirement, I would start the 6' at the top of the crown box. (assuming a crown box is an enclosure that is providing additional wiring space on top of the equipment.

Would you measure the same way if there was a wireway above a panel?
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