Definition of Basement


What section of NEC defines a basement? Is the first floor of a ranch-style house considered a basement? The first floor opens directly to the outside.
It can be hard to define, and may be a building department question. In your example, I'd say no, because it's not substantially below grade. One clue is whether that floor contributes to finished square footage.

I have a finished floor, an English basement, with its own front door. The middle floor's back door is about four feet above the back yard. The basement, although finished, is not included in listed floor area.

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The NEC doesn't define a basement, just what is required in one. You would go by what the plans say and whether or not the space is below ground. I would not consider a concrete space with its floor at grade level below a wood framed structure to be a basement. So, really, it's up to opinion in some cases.
