Who defines electrical work and/or what is the definition of electrical work. The reason for the question is this. We have an excavator who we are working with on a job where we are putting in campsites (Pedestals, transformers, panels, etc) and he wants to know if he can do the majority of the work. So the question is, can he dig in the trench? Can he put PVC pipe together? Can he spool off wire? Do you see where it can be a little fuzzy?
When does it become electrical work and when is it just trenching? My thoughts are, what if the trench isn't deep enough? Who's going to be at fault? If he is putting the PVC together and his connections aren't tight and we can't pull our wire in, it will be our problem. If he spools off the wire and kicks it up and/or damages it, it could cause a fire and again, we'll be to blame. I think that any part of an electrical installation should be done by a licensed electrician, but is this how inspectors and the law perceives it if it would have to come down to that?
When does it become electrical work and when is it just trenching? My thoughts are, what if the trench isn't deep enough? Who's going to be at fault? If he is putting the PVC together and his connections aren't tight and we can't pull our wire in, it will be our problem. If he spools off the wire and kicks it up and/or damages it, it could cause a fire and again, we'll be to blame. I think that any part of an electrical installation should be done by a licensed electrician, but is this how inspectors and the law perceives it if it would have to come down to that?