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Senior Member
Can anyone post a definition of a mixed use structure such as dwellings and merchantile?

Either way thanks
I don't disagree but I could really use somethingwith a little more detail :)
Check your local planning/zoning code - definitions will differ place to place. Locally we have several definitions that would fit... But they're for local legal interpretation....
Not sure what you're looking for. Are you worried about area seperation or fire seperation? You could have an E to A, A or E to I or R, most anything to an H or R to B, etc.
Not sure what you're looking for. Are you worried about area seperation or fire seperation? You could have an E to A, A or E to I or R, most anything to an H or R to B, etc.

Just looking for a definition of a multi family dwelling that supports or dismisses a mixed use structure. if there is one.

thanks again
Your wording makes this question tough. Are you looking for examples of mixed use buildings? Or are you looking for the rules that specify whether or not the building is mixed use?
Just looking for a definition of a multi family dwelling that supports or dismisses a mixed use structure. if there is one.

A multi family dwelling is one that has 3 or more dwelling units. By the IBC it is a R2 (residential) use. I am like the others, a little unclear what you are asking. The term "mixed use" generally applies when a building or portion thereof contains two or more different occupancies or uses, and depending on the type of uses may require fire separations, or if the uses are low hazard enough the building could be classified as non-separated mixed use.
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