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The words exits and entrances are used through out the code book. In article 210.70 (A)(2)(b) in a nut shell says there needs to be a light on the outside of all exterior entrances and exists at grade level. My question is at grade level there is a exterior door, that opens up to a 2ft. by 4 ft. hot water heater closet, is this door considered a entry or exist that applies to 210.70 (A)(2)(a).
The words exits and entrances are used through out the code book. In article 210.70 (A)(2)(b) in a nut shell says there needs to be a light on the outside of all exterior entrances and exists at grade level. My question is at grade level there is a exterior door, that opens up to a 2ft. by 4 ft. hot water heater closet, is this door considered a entry or exist that applies to 210.70 (A)(2)(a).

See if this helps
210.70 (3)
(3) Storage or Equipment Spaces. For attics, underfloor spaces, utility rooms, and basements, at least one lighting outlet containing a switch or controlled by a wall switch shall be installed where these spaces are used for storage or contain equipment requiring servicing. At least one point of control shall be at the usual point of entry to these spaces. The lighting outlet shall be provided at or near the equipment requiring servicing.
Thank you for the help, but I'm talking about on the exterior of the door opening. Its a closet on the exterior of the house.
My interpretation is that if it does not provide access to occupied spaces within the building it does not need exterior lighting. As a utility space it would need interior lighting though.
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