Delta - Delta Transformer. Need help calculating capacity

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So I searched and searched and can't find any solid leads on this question. So hopefully someone can help me out.

I have a Delta - Delta Transformer rated at 45KVA. 480V -> 240V
The service I have a 3 Phase 277/480V.
I am assuming the output of the transformer is called the secondary.
I get 240V so everything is fine, I suppose.
I just don't know how much load or current I can run safely. Most calculators I see are Delta - Wye or Wye-Wye.

I am running computer servers and wanted to add more of them but don't want to do something stupid.
There is currently 16 servers that is consuming 1,800 watts each or 7.5A @ 240V. Just wanted to know if I could safely add 4 more computers of the same load.

I tried uploading the plate picture but it downsizes it to 12kb.

Thanks in advance!!


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Senior Member
The best answer I can provide is to talk to a local electrical contractor. Many times there are questions or variables that need a qualified person on site to assess the total situation and answer properly. That said:

I am closing this thread, in accordance with the Forum rules. This Forum is intended to assist professional electricians, inspectors, engineers, and other members of the electrical industry in the performance of their job-related tasks. However, if you are not an electrician or an electrical contractor, then we are not permitted to help you perform your own electrical installation work.

If I have misjudged the situation, if for example this project is related to your work, then send me a Private Message. If you can show me that I am wrong, and that you are a licensed electrician (or at least a licensed apprentice), then I will reopen your post, and offer an apology for the delay and inconvenience.
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