Need some help understanding how messed up this is.
The picture is a breaker that is fed off a transformer that is delta-delta to my knowledge. There are 6 wires coming in an six wires leaving, 2 per phase. I can clearly see the enclosures of the transformer grounded.
The client wants to replace the breaker to feed some new gear without having to modify the feeder off the transformer. Can this be done? Per the code I cant see how. There is ground fault detection installed.
Sorry about the photo
The picture is a breaker that is fed off a transformer that is delta-delta to my knowledge. There are 6 wires coming in an six wires leaving, 2 per phase. I can clearly see the enclosures of the transformer grounded.
The client wants to replace the breaker to feed some new gear without having to modify the feeder off the transformer. Can this be done? Per the code I cant see how. There is ground fault detection installed.
Sorry about the photo