Here is what our contract looks like. Sorry for the long post. Don't confuse the power factor adjustment with a demand charge. We have maintain a unity fower factor or they really charge us. We installed automatic pf correction capacitor banks. I think you are talking about billing demand, but there are several types. We do load shedding to avoid exceeding the existing highest demand we set a few years ago when we had to transfer all our buildings onto a single feed during a large outage. We did implement 20 million dollars worth of energy improvments over the last 15 years that are saving us about 1 million dollars a year in all utilities combined, and will save even more as rates increase.
Service under this rate shall be available within the corporate limits of the City of XXXXXXXXXX and the adjacent territory served by X Utilities for commercial and industrial customers with monthly demands of 1,500 kilowatts or greater. Availability is subject to the General Terms and Conditions Governing Electric Service and the Utility Service Rules and Regulations.
Monthly Charges
Customer Charge
Per month .............................................................................................................$150.00
Energy Charge
For all kWh...........................................................................................................$ 0.0291 per kWh
Demand Charge
GenerationFor all kW of billing demand................................................................$3.79 per kW
For all kW of billing demand................................................................$1.09 per kW
Distribution (not applicable to transmission service)
Primary Service Secondary Service
For all kW of billing demand $1.40 per kW $1.70 per kW
Load Factor Adjustment
A credit of $0.0050 per kW of billing demand will be allowed for each whole hour of use in excess of 365 hours-use.
Hours-use shall be the monthly kWh usage divided by the kW billing demand.
EFFECTIVE Cycle 1, October 2006XXXXXXXXXXXFebruary 23, 2006
Supersedes rate schedule effective Cycle 1, October 2003.
Demand Charge for Distribution
The Primary Service Demand Charge for Distribution will apply if the energy is metered at primary voltage (13,200 volts) and the customer provides and maintains all transformation facilities, including an approved transformer bank, circuit interrupters, and other protective devices which will clear faults on the customer?s side of the point of delivery.
No Demand Charge for Distribution will apply if the energy is metered at transmission voltage (69,000 or 161,000 volts) and the customer provides and maintains all transformation facilities, including an approved transformer bank, circuit interrupters, and other protective devices which will clear faults on the customer?s side of the point of delivery.
Metering at Different Voltages
X Utilities may, at its option, install metering equipment on the primary side of the transformer for a secondary voltage customer. In this case, the customer shall be allowed a one (1) percent discount for all the above charges and the Secondary Service Demand Charge for Distribution will apply.
Billing Demand
The billing demand for each month shall be the greatest of the following amounts in kilowatts:
1) Highest average actual demand during any period of 30 consecutive minutes in that month; or
2) Ninety (90) percent of the highest actual demand occurring in the most current billing months of July, August, or September.
Customers served under this Electric Rate shall have the option of having their billing demand based on measured demand occurring only during peak periods as defined in the General Terms and Conditions Governing Electric Service.
Power Factor Adjustment
A Power Factor charge of $0.025 per kW of billing demand will be made for each whole percent by which the monthly power factor is less than 100%.
The power factor shall be the kW demand divided by the coincident kVA demand expressed as a percentage, for the peak 30-minute interval during the billing month.