Demand Factor for Non-Dwelling Receptacle Loads using Existing Receptacles

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West Coast
Let's say I have an existing facility, and we are doing some new work there.

We have solid as-builts with calculated loads. We could do a 30-day meter study and apply 125% but time doesnt really allow.

Ive often seen calcs done where it just takes the bulk panel as-built load, maybe some removed load, and then calcs all the new load separately with it's own stand-alone demand factors not accounting for existing (the more conservative approach it seems) and adds it to the calculated as-built load. But are we able to group existing loads into our demand factors?

For example:

Lets assume a 100A panel, 70A calculated load. The as-builts show over 10KVA of receptacle load and some existing remainder at 50%. When I add new receptacle load, and I able to take it at 50% as well? Same for adding a motor that isnt the largest compared to existing. Am I able to use these demand factors from existing loads in my calc?
Yes. Forget that its "Existing" and total up the entire receptacle load, subtract 10kW and the remainder at 50% and add back in the 10kW If you do this, then you dont need to consider the 125% because the 125% is only if you're using one of the cited methods for existing loads via 30 day load study or 1 year demand.

The NEC doesn't really make many references to "Existing", just treat it like a new service calculation and total up all of the existing + new loads.

FYI: You dont need to wait 30 days if the building has a demand meter. Just call the power company and ask for the peak kWD or have the owner do it if they wont give it to you.
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